
The Society consists of 130 Swedish and 100 foreign members, divided into four classes: Physical-Mathematical, Biology-Medicine, History-Archaeology, and Engineering-Economy. When an ordinary member turns seventy, her/his position again becomes available. At present the Society comprises about three hundred members.


Presiding Committee

Præses Illustris: H.M. KING CARL XVI GUSTAF

President: KERSTIN SAHLIN, professor em, elected for 2023-2024
Vice President: AGNETA SIEGBAHN, professor, elected for 2023-2024
Permanent Secretary: JONAS BERGQUIST, professor, elected for 2023-2025
Vice Secretary: ANDERS TENGHOLM, professor, elected for 2022-2025
Librarian: ULLA BIRGEGÅRD, professor, elected for 2022-2025

Treasurer: HENRIK DIDNER, CEO, elected for 2015-2024